March 10, 2022
8:00-8:30 a.m. - Welcome and Introductions NCSPA School Safety and Crisis Response Committee
8:30-9:00 a.m. - School Safety Updates from a National Perspective Dr. Melissa Reeves Dr. Reeves will provide national school safety updates, trends, and considerations.
9:15-3:00 p.m. - Advanced Behavioral Threat Assessment Dr. Melissa Reeves This session will address the role of increasing need for behavioral threat assessments, screener needs and concerns, address special education, disproportionality, how to make the process more legally defensible, all while sharing case studies. Parent refusal and involvement will also be discussed. In addition Dr. Reeves will share best practices for school psychologists and behavioral threat assessment within multidisciplinary teams! There will be a 45 minute lunch break.
3:00-4:00 p.m. Lessons Learned From the Field Various panel members This special panel will reflect specialized instructional support personnel who have experienced school safety critical incidents. Delivered by people who’ve been there, our panelists will blend emotional heart with tangible paths forward with stories from inside and behind school crises. They will illustrate the importance of planning and preparing in a way only those who’ve been through it can.