Institutional Membership: This type of membership is designed to assist Public School Units (PSU) with developing, supporting, and sustaining the professional practices of all student service personnel, especially school psychologists. NCSPA offers opportunities for professional development for all student services personnel, recognizes the work of individuals and PSU, and emphasizes leadership development. Institutional membership exemplifies a commitment to continued professional learning and networking, a message that is appreciated by current and prospective employees. Benefits of institutional membership are comprehensive, and are designed to benefit the PSU as well as the individual member. Benefits– In addition to the benefits enjoyed by individual members of NCSPA,
Criteria – To qualify for Institutional Membership, a PSU must purchase at least 10 memberships:
Membership dues vary by the number of memberships sought. It is not necessary for a PSU to purchase memberships for all full time psychologists. Contact us today to show your commitment to excellence! |